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Could it be Menstruation During Pregnancy

Menstruation will only occur when a woman is not pregnant. When pregnant, women will not experience menstruation. Need to be aware of if there is bleeding through the vagina during pregnancy which is thought to be a sign of menstruation, even though it may actually be a sign of certain disorders in pregnancy. Some bleeding conditions that are similar to menstruation during pregnancy can be serious, although some are not. However, pregnant women should be aware of symptoms similar to menstruation. If it appears, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Causes of Bleeding While Pregnant

Causes of bleeding resembling menstruation during pregnancy, can be distinguished based on the period of pregnancy, namely:
  • Early pregnancy

  • Spotting of blood in early pregnancy is actually quite common, and usually only for a short period of time, around 1-2 days, with a small amount of bleeding. Generally only arise such as blood spots or brown spots on the underwear. This condition is known as implantation spotting, when the fertilized egg implants itself in the uterine wall. Some other causes of spotting of blood early in pregnancy, namely:
  • A change or problem in the cervix
  • Infection of the vagina and cervix
  • Early signs of miscarriage
  • Pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus, or ectopic pregnancy
  • Pregnant wine.
  • In early pregnancy, women also often experience other symptoms that resemble menstruation, such as weakness, stomach cramps, lower back pain.
  • Mid or late pregnancy

  • Meanwhile, bleeding that occurs in the second trimester and third trimester pregnancy, can be caused by:
  • Miscarriage
  • Preterm labor
  • Placenta previa
  • The placenta detaches from the uterine wall.
In addition to bleeding that resembles menstruation, pregnant women can also feel cramps and contractions, especially if the baby is born prematurely.

What to do?

Bleeding during pregnancy can indeed trigger anxiety. In addition to seeing a doctor, pregnant women who experience bleeding during pregnancy do the following:
  • Wearing pads. Thus, it can be seen how much bleeding is happening and how the color of blood comes out (red, brown, pink).
  • If there is tissue that comes out with blood, take it to the doctor for examination.
  • Avoid using tampons and don't use vaginal cleaners.
  • Postpone sexual intercourse.
The doctor will do a physical examination and ultrasound to determine the cause of bleeding that occurs. Ultrasound examination can be done in the stomach or done internally through the vagina. Pregnancy in pregnant women who must immediately get help from a doctor is if there is severe bleeding, and if accompanied by cramps or unbearable pain, high fever, or there is body tissue in the blood that comes out. The important thing to remember if there is bleeding or blood spots during pregnancy, which is immediately check the womb to the doctor. Thus, the cause of bleeding can be known, and the doctor can immediately make appropriate treatment.
